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This week at Summer School 2021!

Alhamdulilah we have now come to Day 5, the final day of summer school 2021!!

It has been a tremendous & fun week for all students who have loved attending and taking part in challenges, learning new skills and meeting new friends.

Throughout the week children have leapt through new challenges such as horse riding, Rifle Shooting and Kayaking. The cooking and baking sessions taught children new, delicious and tasty recipes to increase and build their kitchen skills & confidence, as well as producing mouth-watering food.

Our Final day was concluded with a full day outdoor trip to Grip Adventure Water Park.

Students many for the first time enjoyed Kayaking and Canoeing with their peers. The children enjoyed partaking in a few races whilst out on the water which definitely had some fast winners! Later in the afternoon students enjoyed some indoor Archery and Rock climbing.

Our week was concluded back at the masjid with an assembly for the students and gifts for their superb performance this week.

It’s from the blessings of Allah that we have been able to accommodate and facilitate these activities for the children. We hope to continue these beneficial activities for the youth.

Day 4 of Summer School!

Students have all enjoyed & benefitted from adventurous activities, Scrumptious Baking and wonderful sessions they have been taking part in so far this week.

Our older students had an adventuresome afternoon of Air Rifle shooting and team building activities. A range of practical team building activities across an outdoor space. Spider web activity was a favourite today; climbing through a web of ropes with the assistance of your peers without touching the floor.

Arts and Crafts: 

Students have had a joyful art & crafts session, wherein they learnt to decorate, design and make bracelets & personalised key chains.


Today’s cooking activity consisted of students learning and tasting how to make a family favourite, Spring rolls!! A fun way of teaching and nurturing children to learn how to cook and prepare food.

See photos of today’s adventurous & wonderful activities below:

Keep up with further updates on Summer School via our social media & website as the week continues. 

Summer School – Day 3!!

We have now completed Day 3 of Summer School!

A week experience of fun, exciting new activities for children to experience and be entertained with.

Today our younger students ages 5 – 7 have enjoyed learning to bake a Blueberry Loaf Cake! 🍰
They learnt to follow step by step visual instructions with their new friends, experiencing baking as a hobby and preparing to take their wonderful bakes home.

Ages 9 – 11 visited an activity centre, Linnet Clough. They participated in the following Indoor activities; Bouldering & Caving. They all liked the team building activities helping one another to navigate through a maze and scale climbing wall. During their caving activity session they had a task to navigating around a 300ft of cave system built into a bus, a successful challenge accomplished by all the children!

Arts and Crafts: 

Students have had a passionate art & crafts session wherein they designed & decorated trinket boxes with paints and decorations. Older students had a session of decorating and making personalised key chains.


Students learnt to cook and make a flavourful Pasta Dish with their friends.

See photos of today’s well enjoyed activities & adventures below:

  • Gift bag making
  • Gift bag making
  • Horse riding
  • Rock Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Key Chain decorating
  • Key Chain decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Cooking
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Trinket box decorating
  • Rock Climbing
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Baking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Indoor Caving
  • Rock Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Gift bag making

  • Gift bag making

  • Horse riding

  • Rock Climbing

  • Rock Climbing

  • Rock Climbing

  • Rock Climbing

  • Key Chain decorating

  • Key Chain decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Cooking

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Trinket box decorating

  • Rock Climbing

  • Cooking

  • Baking

  • Baking

  • Rock Climbing

  • Indoor Caving

  • Rock Climbing

  • Rock Climbing

Keep up with further updates on Summer School via our social media & website as the week continues. 

Summer School 2021 – So Far!

We have had a splendid start to our annual Summer School here in Manchester.

Our young and keen students ranging from ages 5 – 14 have joined us to experience a week full of new, fun and creative skills whilst making & meeting new friends.

Our week has kickstarted with a variety of activities ranging from; Baking, Horse-riding, Karate, Cooking, Archery, Martial Arts, Local Park visit and Gardening.

See pictures of our completed activities below.
We will post further updates on our adventures & activities as the week continues!

Update on our Nursery and Full School Project

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على نبينا محمد و على آله و أصحابه و من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد:

We ask Allah The Most High, Lord of the tremendous Throne to forgive our sins and make easy for us to worship Him in this blessed month, verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

The brothers and sisters at the Salafi Centre of Manchester and the Salafi School wish to congratulate you all for being blessed with reaching the month of Ramadhan.

Last year we launched an appeal to raise funds to buy a building; with the aim of opening a Nursery and a School. We had arranged a loan to facilitate it, but unfortunately that didn’t transpire, and all is from the Decree and tremendous Wisdom of Allah.

Subsequently, we have been unable to raise the required £600,000 for the purchase of the building, despite all the efforts of everyone involved.

May Allah reward everyone for their efforts, those who donated and raised funds.

As a result we have changed plans; reverting back to locating a suitably sized building on lease. Over the past year we have been working hard, alot of background work and changing our business model. As a result we have managed to find and view an excellent property for a Nursery which is in close proximity to the Masjid, wa’alhamdulillaah. The property is large and spacious, in excess of 4000sq feet. Our aim is to open a Nursery and on the second floor establish a Home School Tuition Club; catering for the main core subjects – Maths, English and Science, Geography, I.T., etc. with the structure based on the National Curriculum. Trials for the viability and demand of this will be taking place after Ramadhan (Please see for more information).

Our Current Situation

We have submitted an offer on the building, which has now been accepted. This means very soon we may be taking possession of the property if final negotiations are successful inshaa’Allaah.

Up to now we have raised £53,000. This is a sum of all totals raised by our local community, donations from elsewhere and regular standing orders which have been set up. These funds have given us the platform to proceed with leasing this building and we have instructed solicitors to proceed after having had extensive communications with the Council and Local Education Authority; all giving good positive feedback at every step, Wa lillaahil Hamd.

In order to complete the project and to provide outstanding facilities desired for both the Nursery and the School we need a total of £100,000.

Our expectations for the community is to have the best facilities for our children fully complying with terms of regulations and requirements.

These funds will be utilised for the building works, resources and materials required to give the children the best holistic education we can possibly provide.


Spare Rooms for Tuition Club
Main Hall
Safe, Bright & Colourful
Space and Spare rooms, to make sensory rooms
Two floors

On the authority of Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aws (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

“Verily Allah has prescribed ihsan (perfection) in all things. Thus if you kill, kill well; and if you slaughter, slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters.” Muslim

We urgently require your aid in fulfilling this noble project (after the Aid of Allah), we aim to use this Nursery as a stepping stone to our goals of providing full time primary and secondary education. Take advantage and rush towards giving charity for the sake of Allah, do not delay for verily you may lose this great opportunity to help the children and help this religion of Allah by providing for the young children, our next generation do not leave them to be devoured by the wolves and desires of this world.

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) saying, “(O people!) Give in charity (for Allah’s cause) because a time will come when a person will carry his object of charity from place to place (and he will not find any person to take it) and any person whom he shall request to take it, will reply, ‘If you had brought it yesterday I would have taken it, but today I am not in need of it” Sahih Al-Bukhari

Donate here:\donate

22nd June School FunDay Photo Gallery & Archive – Click to See:

Asalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

We’ve posted up pictures of our last fun day for everyone to see.

Jazaakumallahukhair to all who helped and to all who came.

May Allah grant us Success!

Preparation Cleaning & Setting Up
The famous Splat the Rat Competition
Stall SIgns
Pre preparation 2
… and more brownies
Hand Painted by one of the Children to sell
Our posters & Leaflets
Supplies donated
Archery Stall was one of the busiest on the day
Entrance was being constructed
Curry & Rice Made for the day
Henna Tent
Salad Platters
A wonderful selection of cupcakes
Foodstall price list
Sweet Rice
Hand made & Painted Canvases for Sale
Competition Charts
Abaya Stall
More treats at the food stall
The BIG Competition!
Marquees and Tents for activities
Welcome Banner up and Ready
Pre preparation
Men’s Activity
Hand made cards to sell on the crafts stall
Blueberry Muffins
Hand made cards to sell on the crafts stall
Food Tickets
Home made Prepared Currys
Shootout! Basketball Shots
Setup the day before…
Gazebo Delivery
Mini Games
Pre preparation 3
Map of Women’s Area
Painted Canvases for Sale
Archery Stall set for competitions and activities
Men’s Schedule
Evidence of hardwork by the brothers setting up evening before
Hand made cards to sell on the crafts stall
Welcome Banner
Bouncy Castle
Brownies & Cakes prepared to sell


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