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First Week Back at Girls’ Club!

Alhamdulilah Girls’ Club is back!

This week we made some chicken skewers and peri fries 🍢 🍟

The girls made some lovely arts and crafts and we ended with some fun sports and games!

Join us next week for some more cooking, arts, crafts and sports – we hope to see you there in shaa Allah!



📢 Girls’ Club On This Sunday!

🛁 This week we will doing a very exciting and highly requested activity… Bath Bombs!

👍 For our young sisters to Make friends, Learn skills and Have fun!

Please bring a whisk with you!

🗓 Sunday 24th Feb – 1.30pm-3.00pm

Ages 9-16

Price: £4

📍 Location: The Salafi Centre of Manchester, 2 Dudley St., Manchester, M8 9DA


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