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Saturday School Assessment Day!

This Saturday 14th Decembert, will be the Assessment day for all upper years classes In Sha’Allah. The assessments will be from 11:00am to 2:30 pm. It is essential that students arrive on time  Please note that the school will close at 2:30 pm tomorrow. These assessments do not affect your child’s progression, but are simply an opportunity to assess whether key concepts have been understood.

Saturday School Revision Week!

This Saturday our teachers will be committing to help all upper years to revise and recap over their lessons covered this term. As we know, to commit something to memory takes time. Please support your child by helping to spread out their revision sessions on a particular topic (eg one-hour sessions over 7 days) is more effective than spending the same amount of time in one go (ie 7 hours in one day). This effect, known as “spacing”, helps because it allows time in between revision sessions to forget and re-learn the material.  Please ensure your child attends and brings in all of their class books to school. Please note; there will be no assessments for the our young learners.

Young Learners 5-6 have been learning the names of the colours in Arabic

Class 5-6 have been learning the colours in Arabic as part of their Arabic lesson including: green, red, yellow, purple, pink, blue, brown and orange. They are able to formulate sentences in Arabic incorporating the colours such as; “My favourite colour is red.” “أُحِبٌّ اللَّوْنُ أَحْمَر” as part of their biography and can say what colour an object or animal is in Arabic such as “The monkey is brown.” “اَلْقِرْدُ بُنِّيّ” and “The chair is red.” “اَلْكُرْسِي أَحْمَر”.

Our children had lots of fun doing the arts and crafts activity, they coloured in each balloon with the corresponding colour and decorated it with glitter. This reinforces learning and helps the children to remember the new vocabulary.

Young Learners at Saturday School have been learning about etiquettes and manners of attending the Masjid!

The new term at the Saturday School started off with our Young Learners learning all about the etiquette’s and manners of attending a Masjid. Through discussion they have learned that a Muslim is calm, kind, gentle towards others. He speaks with the best of manners and attempts to copy the Prophet Muhammad about whom Allah said: And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on an exalted standard of character. (Surah: Al-Qalam—64:4).

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Saturday School Assessment Day on Saturday 14th July!

Revision day took place last Saturday and all upper years have been revising for the Assessment Day that will take place on Saturday 14th July 2019. Registration will take place at 10:40 am and school will close at an earlier time of 2:15 pm. It is essential that the students arrive on time so that they do not cause disturbance when assessments are in progress. May Allah grant all of our students success! Aameen.




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