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Author: Uzma Khan

The Six Pillars of Eemaan (Faith) – Young Learners 5-6 Class

This week Young Learners 5-6 revisited the topic ‘The Six Pillars of Eemaan’. The six pillars of Eemaan are the things that all Muslims should believe in. These are to believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The Last Day and Qadr (Divine Pre-Decree) – it’s good and it’s bad. The children created a model to demonstrate the above and used this model as a discussion point to address the main points.

Hajj- Young Learners 4-5 Art and Crafts

This week Young learners 4-5 Class had the opportunity to discuss the various Hajj rituals. They made some fantastic Art and Crafts Mobiles/models using pictures to represent the various rituals. This activity helped the children understand the important points in a fun and exciting way.

The Five Pillars of Islam- Young Learners 4-5 Class

This week Young Learners 4-5 also revisited the topic ‘The Five Pillars of Islaam’. There are 5 pillars of Islam. The 5 pillars of Islam are duties which are obligatory on all Muslims. These duties are Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. The children had an enjoyable time using paints which aided in stimulating learning in a fun and exciting manner.

Practicing the Arabic numbers using modelling clay

This week Young Learners 4-5 have been practicing the Arabic numbers using modelling clay. Shaping the numbers using modelling clay is a very tactile kinaesthetic way of learning. To reinforce and extend learning the children repeated the numbers collectively together while they formed each one as well as reading the next set of numbers.

The Five Pillars of Islam

This week Young Learners 5-6 Class have been producing handprint artwork to demonstrate the Five Pillars of Islam. The children enjoyed being involved in the activity and it was a great opportunity for kids to exercise their creativity and fine motor skills.

Hajj- Young Learners 5-6 Class

Young Learners 5-6 have been learning about how to perform Hajj during their Islamic Studies class. Hajj is an act of worship for any Muslim and completes the fifth pillar of Islam. The children have been learning about the background to Hajj as well as carrying out fun practical activities to help understand how Hajj is performed.

Counting in Arabic- Young Learners 6-7 Class

Young Learners 6-7 have also been focusing on writing the Arabic numbers in words. The students engaged in a fun activity which reinforced prior learning and helped consolidate their understanding and make connections with what they already know.

Counting in Arabic- Young Learners 5-6

This week Young Learners 5-6 class have been focusing on writing and pronouncing Arabic numbers. The activity involved counting objects as well as saying the number in English and Arabic as the children were asked to write. This followed on by the children creating some beautiful artwork to represent the above.


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