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Author: Amjad Khan

Salafi School Summer Camping Trip to Cadair Idris (Southern Snowdonia) Aug. 2018

💥 Camping Trip to Cadair Idris (Southern Snowdonia)

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

Alhamdulillaah, we would like to announce an exciting trip for boys aged 8-14.

A 4 day, 3 night trip to Snowdonia National Park. This camping trip is arranged in coordination with the team

An amazing opportunity, to learn new skills; map reading, bushcraft, orienteering, life skills, problem solving and many more.

Camping has many benefits,
• Physical: fresh air, exercise, adventure & exploration.
• Mental: problem solving, map reading, orienteering, decision making.
• Spiritual: contemplation upon the creation, socialisation, increase of self-esteem

❗Limited spaces available take advantage and sign up before spaces run out.

To book and for more details click the following link:

Important Information! Adjustment to Term Times

As-salāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh.

We hope you are well and in the highest of eemaan. We would like to bring to your attention an adjustment to our term times.  We are attempting to match school term times to make it as easy as possible for parents to plan trips, holidays and times with their children. So we have had to alter our term end dates to correspond with school holidays.

  • The term will now end on Saturday the 4th of April 2015.
  • The new term (Summer) will start on Saturday 25th April 2015. This is an exam results and ceremony day and parents are allowed to attend from 2pm inshaa’allah, when their children will receive their certificates.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Below is Summer Term Timetable

Term 3

1 Saturday 25-Apr-15 ON  Ceremony Day – PARENTS CAN ATTEND 2pm
2 Saturday 02-May-15 ON
3 Saturday 09-May-15 ON
4 Saturday 16-May-15 ON
5 Saturday 23-May-15 ON
Saturday 30-May-15
6 Saturday 06-Jun-15 ON
7 Saturday 13-Jun-15 ON
8 Saturday 20-Jun-15 ON
9 Saturday 27-Jun-15 ON Revision
10 Saturday 04-Jul-15 ON Exam
Saturday 11-Jul-15 Ramadhan- 10 Days
Saturday 18-Jul-15 Ramadhan- 10 Days
11 Saturday 25-Jul-15 Ceremony

Wa’alaykumsalam wa rahmatullah

For updates follow us on or twitter – @salafi_school

Archery Champions – Tournament 2 – Sunday 3rd August 2014 – Enter NOW!


Following on from a successful first tournament, entries are being taken for the upcoming Archery Champions Tournament! Come down and test your skills. Demand is high so don’t miss out.

We will also be having a barbecue for archers only after the tournament.



Sunday 3rd August 2014


2:30 – 3:30 – Practice

3:40 – 4:40 – Team Competition

4:50 – 5:30 – Singles Tournament

5:30 – Barbecue


£20 for all the above.

All proceeds go to the school, and the school appeal.


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