Salafi School Summer Camping Trip to Cadair Idris (Southern Snowdonia) Aug. 2018
💥 Camping Trip to Cadair Idris (Southern Snowdonia)
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,
Alhamdulillaah, we would like to announce an exciting trip for boys aged 8-14.
A 4 day, 3 night trip to Snowdonia National Park. This camping trip is arranged in coordination with the team www.naturebound.uk.
An amazing opportunity, to learn new skills; map reading, bushcraft, orienteering, life skills, problem solving and many more.
Camping has many benefits,
• Physical: fresh air, exercise, adventure & exploration.
• Mental: problem solving, map reading, orienteering, decision making.
• Spiritual: contemplation upon the creation, socialisation, increase of self-esteem
❗Limited spaces available take advantage and sign up before spaces run out.
To book and for more details click the following link:
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