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Islamic Studies Young Learners Level 1(a) – Free to Download

Islamic Studies - Level 1(a) - Workbook_Page_1

Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

As requested the following post contains the Islamic Studies Syllabus – Level 1 (ages 5 and under).

The files are as follows:

Jazaakumallahukhair to all who took part in its compilation, sorting, typesetting, reading and checking. May Allah grant us the best in this life, and the best in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the hell fire.

Please note all sources for this are books listed at the beginning of each lesson plan. And both the workbook and notes have been checked by students of knowledge and read over by multiple persons. However non of us is free of mistakes, and so if the user comes across anything, then the religion is advice, so please advise us of this by filling in the form below. Jazaakumallahukhair

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