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The Battle Of Uhud – An exciting way to End the Half- Term!

Throughout the Half-term our 6-7 Class have been learning about the importance of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wa’Sallam’s life, the Migration and the Battles which took place after the Migration.  Today, the final lesson of the half-term concluded with the Battle of Uhud. The students learnt that the battle occurred in the 3rd Year after Hijrah, and just one year after the Battle of Badr. During this battle, the Prophet and his Companions were betrayed by the hypocrites – people who pretended to believe in Islaam. 300 of them abandoned the Prophet, and left the Prophet with only 700 Muslims against 3000 non-Muslims.

One of the most important lessons the students learnt from the Battle of Uhud was the importance of obeying Allah and His Messenger (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa’Sallam). The Prophet told a group of archers not to leave their positions no matter what happened on the battlefield. These Muslims disobeyed the Messenger, and left their positions. As a result of their disobedience, 70 Muslims lost their lives, and the Prophet was seriously injured. From this we learn that we must follow the Prophet and his Sunnah in order to be successful, and that disobeying the Sunnah is disobeying the Prophet and brings bad consequences for both this life and the next.

The students used a map of Uhud and role play to understand the battle, and role-play to understand the effects of the disobedience of the archers. It was an insightful and educational activity, enjoyed by the class!

We hope our students enjoy their Half-Term Break. We look forward to their return on the 29th of February 2020 insha’Allah where they will be learning about the Conquest of Makkah!

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