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Author: Admin

Saturday School starts 8th September!

Important Announcement! Saturday School opens on the 8th September @ 10:45- 3:45pm Insha’Allah!

Parents please note; that your child is sent with the correct stationary as well as a packed lunch for the day.

We look forward to welcoming our students back InShaAllah! JazaakumAllahu Khairun,

Manchester Salafi School.

Revision week this Saturday 17th March

📢 Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

📢 Announcement ‼️

🗓Revision week is this Saturday 17th March 2018 and Exam week is Saturday  24th March 2018. 

📚Look out for revision points, which will be addressed to all upper year students by their teachers a week in advance of the exams.📝

✨Please Note: Key points will be addressed on revision day. For this reason please ensure that your children attend Inn Shaa Allah✨

We wish all students well with the preparations for their exams Inn Shaa Allaah

JazaakumAllahu khairan

Important notice! Saturday school Reopens 10th March

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Important notice! Saturday school will reopen back on the 10th March Inn Sha Allah @ 10:45 am until 3:45 pm


Parents please note: That your child is sent with the correct stationary as well as All the books needed for the day.

We look forward to welcoming our students back Inn Shaa Allah

JazaakumAllaahu Khairun,

Manchester Salafi School


Qur’an school reopens today 5th March @ 5:00-7:00pm!

📌Important Notice ❗️

The Qur’an reopens today 5th March @ 5-7pm after recent closure due to severe weather conditions. We look forward to seeing our students returning In Sha Allah.

Jazakamullahu khairun

❗️Important Notice❗️Qur’an School closed today

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Due to the snow, ice and cold conditions, the Quran School will be closed today. We urge all parents to keep an eye on the official telegram and twitter channel for further updates. It is good to sign up if you can, so that you are notified of any last minute or sudden changes to our schedule.

BaarakAllahu feekum

Qur’an School Resumes Today 26th February

📢 Important Announcement‼️

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

📌REMINDER Qur’an School will resume from TODAY 26th February @ 5-7pm in shaa Allaah.

We look forward to seeing our students returning for the second half of Term 2,
BaarakAllaahu Feekum.

New “Star of The Week” Certificates Arrived!

Each week children at both the Saturday School and the Qur’aan School, are in the running for Star of the Week.

The Star is the child who has worked most dilgently, improved on his performance, behaved well without any strikes, and learn the most. The qualities mentioned are identified by their teacher, and the Star wins a small prize for his or her efforts.



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