Last week our Young Learners have been learning all about fruit during their Arabic lesson. They explored the different types of fruit and played fun memory games to learn and recall their names.
The Qur’an reopens today 5th March @ 5-7pm after recent closure due to severe weather conditions. We look forward to seeing our students returning In Sha Allah.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Due to the snow, ice and cold conditions, the Quran School will be closed today. We urge all parents to keep an eye on the official telegram and twitter channel for further updates. It is good to sign up if you can, so that you are notified of any last minute or sudden changes to our schedule.
Each week children at both the Saturday School and the Qur’aan School, are in the running for Star of the Week.
The Star is the child who has worked most dilgently, improved on his performance, behaved well without any strikes, and learn the most. The qualities mentioned are identified by their teacher, and the Star wins a small prize for his or her efforts.