Raise Money, Buy an #AlphabetBlock & Complete the Pyramid this #Ramadan
We will update this post whenever anyone buys a block inshaa’Allah.
There are many ways to donate! Help us complete this Alphabet Pyramid and raise a large amount for the school appeal this Ramadhaan!
Please hand any Cash donations in at the masjid, to the following brothers:
- Abu A’isha Amjad Khan
- Abu Ameerah Kashif Zulfiqar
- Abul Farooq Kamaal
Or for sisters you can hand them to:
- Sister Lola
Let them know its for an Alphabet Block!
Bank Transfer:
Bank: Lloyds
Account: Dar ul Hadith
Sort Code: 309542
Account Number: 05570092
Cheque or Postal Orders:
Please make all cheques or postal orders payable to Dar ul Hadith You can post cheques to 2 Dudley Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, M89DA (no recorded or signed for deliveries as we have a secure postbox)
Click the button below to go to the donation page and donate via paypal. Reference the payment as SCHOOL BLOCK
Don’t Forget to gift aid! click here to complete a short form: www.salaficentre.com/giftaid
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