End of Term: Dates, Assessment Day, Certificates & Prizes
Asalaamualaikum wa rahmatullah
We hope you are well. Please take note of the dates for the end of term.
Date Times for School Description Price:
30/11/2013 – 10:30-15:45 – Revision Normal
07/12/2013 – 10:30-14:15 – Assessment Day Normal
14/12/2013 – 10:00-11:00 – Certificates & Prizes FREE
Assessment Day
We will assess the children in three exams, as was done in the previous term. If your child joined part way through then don’t worry, we will take that into account.
Young Learners Class (aged 4-6) will not be taking exams.
Please collect your children at 14:15 on Assessment day. This allows the teachers to work through all the exam papers.
Although the children ahve all revised in class, the bullet point revision notes will be posted up on Thursday night for download, Biidhnillah.
Certificates & Prizes Day
Parents are encouraged to stay for the duration of the assembly and celebrate their child/children’s success with us.
Please note that the last day is shorter and will be free of charge. It will be a day for us to give certificates to the children, including prizes for the top 3 achievers in each year group, and some snacks insha’Allah. There will also be a general assembly for the children, with a look ahead to what is going on next term.
We request ALL the parents to come to collect their children at 11am on that day if they do not stay in.
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